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  • Writer's pictureWandering Flâneuse

Heraclitus- A Poem

The inspiration for this poem comes from one of life's simple comforts, the bath. I had been consuming a large amount of media that was infested with negative news surrounding COVID-19 and was feeling overwhelmed. This fear of the unknown was in regards to the virus, and also linked with my experience I was having in Vietnam. I was in a foreign land with no stability, and fear for my future here.

I came home after being in the city for the day and decided to take a bath. I stripped down and let the bathwater hold my weight, repetitively cleansing my body with the water, sinking more and more into a state of calm. This experience made me recall the famous Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who was known for his doctrine of change being central to the universe. He once quoted 'You could not step twice into the same rivers; for other waters are ever flowing on to you.'. This quote reminds me of how the only thing in life that is constant, is change, and to embrace this. I believe this to be a rather soothing philosophy to remind yourself of, during this time of instability. Here is my adaptation of the quote, which I have attempted to articulate through the use of poetry:

Stumbling, I reach for stability,

These streets blind me, with their essence of unfamiliarity.

It approaches, a foreboding nebula smothers me,

I struggle to breathe easily.

Searching for safety, its gentle ripples call me,

I remove each layer and approach vulnerably.

As I enter, my body surrenders,

I trust this warm and healing substance, with my every member.

As each wave washes over me, I regain my strength and remember-

I cannot step into the same rivers, for other waters are ever flowing onto me.

And with this truth, I feel serenity.

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